Shamp’s Corner: Surviving Navidad Madness One Tamal at a Time

Alright, Shampions, let’s get one thing straight—Christmas is not peaceful. It’s not relaxing. It’s not magical.  And it sure as hell isn’t about “silent nights.” No, Christmas is stress, chaos, and tamales with a side of eggnog holding life together like duct tape.

I’m not saying Christmas isn’t great. It just comes with terms and conditions.

Stress? Included. Exhaustion? Guaranteed. Random fights over lotería rules? Absolutely. And yet, somehow, we survive it.

Deck the Halls… Or Don’t

Let’s talk decorating. Some go all out—lights synchronized to music, inflatable reindeer, their house looking like Disneyland puked on it. Then there’s me. I’ve got one sad string of lights that works half of the time and a tree so small it wouldn’t be allowed on a roller coaster.

Don’t get me started on the tree. Real tree, fake tree, Charlie Brown tree—it doesn’t matter. By the time you get it up, half the ornaments are broken, and the whole thing is leaning like it’s had one too many old fashioneds.

Family: The Real Christmas Show

Now, let’s get to the real centerpiece of Christmas—the family. Every family gathering is a perfect storm of love, laughter, and low-key drama. You’ve got:

  • Your Tía shows up early, just to sit in the kitchen and judge. “¿Estas mas llenito ,verdad?”
  • Your Tío brings a bottle of tequila “for the family” and drinks it all himself.
  • Your Cousin You see Once a Year, shows up for the free food and leaves with half the tamales.
  • Abuelita: The glue that holds the whole circus together, and the only thing she has on her mind is ham and maybe another rum coquito.

The best part? Someone always brings up politics. You’re just trying to enjoy your tamales, and suddenly it’s La Lucha Libre: Holiday Edition.

But here’s the thing—this mess, this chaos, this ridiculousness? It’s what makes Christmas… Christmas. If your family isn’t yelling over Trump or Biden, are you even celebrating?

Surviving Christmas Stress

Let’s be real—Christmas is exhausting. By the time you’ve dealt with decorations, family, food, and your family’s passive-aggressive comments about your life choices, you’re done.

December is basically a giant to-do list you never finish.

  • I have a UPS schedule that makes me tired by simply thinking of it
  • Businesses that i neglect completely this month, every year…
  • Making time for Family, businesses, work and friends.
  • Oh yea… Shopping

But the truth is, as stressful as it all is, the chaos is part of the charm. Christmas is supposed to be messy, funny, and a little ridiculous.

So, lean into it. Laugh when the tree falls over. Pour yourself a drink when your Tía brings up politics. Eat an extra tamal, because why not.

Final Thoughts: Chaos is the Gift

At the end of the day, Christmas isn’t about the decorations, the food, or even the tamales (okay, maybe it’s a little about the tamales). It’s about your people. The family you love and tolerate, the friends who feel like family, and the moments that remind you why it’s all worth it.

So, this Christmas, don’t sweat the small stuff. Embrace the crooked lights, the loud family, and the perfectly imperfect madness of it all. Because that’s where the magic is—not in the picture-perfect scenes, but in the messy, hilarious chaos.

Feliz Navidad, cabrones. Here’s to tamales, Old Fashioneds and surviving another Christmas with your sanity (mostly) intact.


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